Is there a description online how to upgrade the X4 software and adapt the 6S to 7S on the software side?
Preferable using the most simple methode as possible. Thanks in advance!
If you have a batch 5 controller then its super simple, if not you’ll have to download a few extra things to your computer and flash the update.
Which version do you have?
I have a batch 4. I’m almost ready to fly. The software upgrade is my final step before flight!
You’ll want to update both your controller and the hub
To update the controller you can use @dennisglowacki script but with the updated firmware file from. Releases · openppg/eppg-controller · GitHub
Assuming you’re on Windows and don’t want to install the Arduino IDE here’s a script that you can run to update the controller to the latest version which I just made: (3.5 MB)
Just plug in the controller via the microUSB port at the bottom.
The new default is for 7S and you’ll be able to see the raw battery voltage anyways coming from the ESCs.
While the controller update above is still backwards compatible with the old hub firmware, to get altitude and temperature sensing here’s how to update the hub:
Simply download the HUB.bin file from this link
Drag that onto a microSD card and insert it into the hub. Power up the hub and wait for about 30 seconds. The hub should now be updated. You can verify this by checking to see if the HUB.bin file is still on the microSD card. If it’s been deleted then you know for sure the hub was updated successfully.
Thats it. You should be ready to fly with latests and greatest firmware for both PCBs!
Good News I managed to update my Batch 4 Controller and can now use the Redirecting to ! Thanks @zjwhitehead !!!1
When I want to update my Hub I have less succes. I follow those instructions:
After powering the hub the hub.bin file is still on the SD card.
My Controller also tels me to update (see picture)
Any Ideas on how to update my Hub without using the STM Nucleo board
Thanks in advance!
I’ve been trying to update my batch 4 controller on a windows 10 computers, even though my computers (i’ve tried multiple) see the serial port show up bossac hangs on auto-send for me and bossac -i also hangs and never shows me any information about the device. I’ve tried running this under admin context and tried changing the com ports. Not sure on what other comm settings to try. Would appreciate any other advise I can get
You’re using the Arduino IDE right using usb? I assume you followed the readme in the Github repo and are selecting the right board type.
Any other info you can give?
I tried without the Arduino IDE using USB first, just using your script and the packaged bin file
" Assuming you’re on Windows and don’t want to install the Arduino IDE here’s a script that you can run to update the controller to the latest version which I just made: (3.5 MB)
Just plug in the controller via the microUSB port at the bottom."
when this did not work i tried using Arduino IDE but I keep on getting into issues while compiling, complain that it did not find “AdjustableButtonConfig.h”
@zjwhitehead - never mind, i was able to use platformio and make that work for me. Now to try the hub firmware, wish me luck