Status of SP140?

Well it only has one motor and a big prop instead of 4 smaller ones. :slight_smile: Iā€™d say the biggest advantage is overall efficiency which translates to longer run time. This is esp important with electric (compared to a 2 stroke) where you donā€™t carry around so much energy (fuel) that efficiency is barely a consideration.

The disadvantage is you have the torque effect from a single large prop and itā€™ll be way more expensive if you break it.

I think the other big difference is that the single prop unit is developed as a more complete package. Charge-n-fly if you will or Ready to run. Whereas the X4 is very much in kit form. It was available pre-assembled but no longer.

The SP140 isnā€™t an ā€˜upgradeā€™ for the X4. Itā€™s a different machine.


@grejen711 I did not know it would be more efficient but it definitely sounds much better on the ears and looks better. I suppose what is confusing me is if it has same thrust and overall power, why would one motor cost more than 4 smaller motors? I would have assumed a cost decrease or at least similar cost to build. Is there a non-linear cost increase as you increase motor sizes?


Am I the only one that was refreshing the page yesterday? Whatā€™s the status of the preorders?

sorry tomorrow is launch day.


Canā€™t wait :grin: :+1:

Is it still happening today? I also keep refreshing the page :stuck_out_tongue:


Same. :slight_smile: I did see a banner was added to the top of the page. Hope itā€™s still coming later tonight!

Checking every few hoursā€¦

same here Iā€™m sure heā€™s taking precautions to make sure everythingā€™s working on the website and things like that but Iā€™m still itching to get my hands on one of these and throw my internal combustion engine into a volcano.

Im trying lol, wanted good comparison stuff so people can make a smart choice. im not gonna give dates anymore im so bad at it lol. soonā€¦though


Valve Time :laughing:

@Pdwhite I am very interested in electric Paramoterā€™s for the potential reliability that comes with them. Ive noticed watching videos of the X4 that it has overheating problems in some cases causing an engine out. Is the SP140 going to have the same potential to overheat and cause an engine out? If so, Could you add a feature on the throttles display to tell pilots how hot the battery is and how close it is to shutting off. I donā€™t know if this already exists but this would be an amazing feature to tell pilots to maybe not do full power climbs or to give them time to preemptively land before there is an engine out.

This is really important to me because I would like to know when it is safest to do foot drags and other potentially dangerous things. If electric paramotors can solve the uncertainty of an engine out, this would be an amazing feature for all pilots.

Thanks for doing such great work! Excitedly awaiting the launch!

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I watched a video of a musician saying, ā€œhow can you put a date on creativity?ā€œ

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Are there temperature sensors on the SP140ā€™s batteries?

Whatā€™s the maximum temperature theyā€™ve gotten to during or after a flight?

Iā€™m curious exactly what you are referring to because motors donā€™t go out on the X4 because of heat. If you make your own battery that canā€™t handle the power, the BMS of the homemade battery could shut down but that has absolutely nothing to do with the X4 itself. If you fly the X4 with 6 Bonkas you wonā€™t have problems with any part of it overheating including the batteries.


Oh ok awesome! Ive just seen a couple of videos where someone flying the X4 has an overheating problem and has to make an emergency landing. I have know idea if they made their own batteries or not.

Iā€™ve heard that when Michaelangelo was asked how he knew when his painting was finished his reply was: ā€œWhen the time runs out.ā€

Hmmmm, whats all of this?! :slight_smile:

I just tried to orderā€¦but cannot complete order due to shipping errorā€¦it will not recognize any address I put in. Anyone else able to finalize your pre-order?