My homemade Eppg

Because I love eletric things I decided change my old miniplane top80 gas motor into a eletric motor.
After 5 months of my own full homemade project finally I put this in the air.
Motor: 15070, 35kv, 30kW
Esc: 500A 24S(I know its big but this is what I have, what I get from a friend)
Batteries: 4x 6S 22000mAh 25C lipo
Wing: Powerplay Sting 140
Flight time: with new 125cm carbon prop, 35 minutes.
Weight: 27kg with batteries
Pilot weight: 65Kg
Total weight: 92Kg
Im not sponsored by any brand, I just added the logos on videos because they help me a bit choosing the correct prop size for my motor.
Before reply any joke, this is not a professional eppg.
Im not a rich guy to get expensive stuff.
I do not intend any advertising, marketing sales with my posts.
I just love DIY and fly.

You are welcome to help me to improve this, I wil appreciate that.
Have a nice flights.


Great job! Happy for your project. I like the slow relaxing flight. You get a nice flight time out of the 22Ah batteries. :+1:


A small video just to show the slow speed.

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Excellent build :heart_eyes::+1:

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My first hand controller, 3d printed.
Using a simple servo controller.
Need to make a new one more smaller.


Very nice. The weight distribution/CG is probably better with how your batteries are set low and farther forward.

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First 3d printing chase cam.
Im feeling a little bit torque, you can watch that in the video, any suggestions for compensation?


New test for new view :slight_smile:

Another different view.
Im happy flying this my own homemade eppg project.

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What is your current compensation method? Offset arms is the most common.

Hi, Im not using any method.
Do you mean this offset, new hole below


No, left and right shift. If you shift the arms to the right then your weight and motor weight is on the left which would compensate for torque steer to the right. Another method is with fins or lamels which use the air to dynamically compensate (like the scout). Or a combination of both methods.

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Oh thanks, I learned something new today :slight_smile:

This cage is from my first paramotor, miniplane top80, so now understand the reason for the arms being shift, top80 is cw rotation and my eppg project ccw, I made a mistake choosing the wrong prop for me eppg project because missing the knowledge about this shift arms compensation :slight_smile:

Now my solution is to cut the tube difference and swap it from left to right :slight_smile:


And you were able to fly it like this?! :astonished: With the compensation amplifying the motor torque? How?

I cant explain but Im flying great without big problems, just feeling a little bit the wing turning to the left.
Probably because Im flying using a small amount of throttle, I have a limit on throttle range :slight_smile:

My last flight of 2024 :slight_smile:
Relax and low