HangsFromSky batch 3 build log

If the thing piece you are putting over it is looped as well I think it would be fine IMHO

I think you should just re-route the parachord to match mine. Notice how the chord overlaps the bottom arms:


Had to replace the circumferential paracord, since it was too short. Used the eyelets for the hooks. Shortened the two radial lines from 21"to 14". Looks much better and makes sense. Still waiting for replacement props. Amazon.com


I need to change my name to “FallsFromSky”. OpenPPG build first testflight - YouTube

Woaa, did you stall the wing? can’t tell what happend. Looked a bit windy.

Whooooooaaaaa hope you’re OK???

A stall/spin turning downwind. Poor choice of wing for this beast. StallSpin - YouTube

HFS Batch 3
Plz update the community.
You ok?
Hope all is well!

I am fine, thank you. A bit stiff and sore, but nothing major. A bruised left heel, a tender right knee, and a twitch in my lower thoracic area. X-rays confirm no spinal damage, change of spacing, or misalignment, nor broken rib. Doctor recommends tylenol, water, and time. It helps that I landed on relatively soft ground, and the legs of the PPG shattered absorbing a lot of energy. Also helps that I am in good shape.
The wing never felt like it was flying well. I have little, outdated PPG experience (two flights in 2004), as shows in my launch technique leaning too far forward. I was using an old freeflight wing that I had left in storage for a year since I last flew it, an EN-C UP Summit XC2 from circa 2010. The line set on it had been replaced a couple of years prior, and I was at the light end of the weight range, so I figured it should be good with the added weight of the PPG. I was wrong. I was also too timid on the throttle, some issues would have been made better with more consistent throttle application.

One thought about color. The red anodized parts look really snazzy and the consistent color scheme is stylish. But post impact on the ground, as people were approaching to help, and not knowing the extent of my injuries, it was difficult for me to ask them to turn off the power. I could disarm the system from the throttle, but then its beeping and props are twitching menacingly (good perhaps). But trying to explain where the “red switches” are when all the hinges are red nearby was a challenge on the ground.
I absolutely love that the hinges are not black, the default color for just about everything. But perhaps red should be reserved for safety related items: power disconnects, reserve handles, battery straps…? Maybe the anodized parts could be blue? Just a thought.

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What a great thought

Or green, to emphasis the electric eco friendly nature of our endeavor. Or is that just too cliche…

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Not too cliche. I got green and blue stripes on my nasa award winning fuel efficient aircraft to show that it’s greener then any other gas aircraft in the sky. Really good point by keeping red for safety items only. And glad that you are okay! We’re the batteries punctured or damaged at all? Curious how they held up

My batteries were undamaged. I did not like the default way of just strapping the batteries to the plate with velcro straps, fearing the corners of the batteries may be damaged and the batteries themselves would get banged up during handling. So I made a lexan box to hold the batteries and protect them, and then strap the box to the backplate. I put an aluminum angle on the backplate to serve as a ledge to support the battery box, and there is adhesive velcro between the box and backplate to help prevent it sliding around. I still want to add some vent holse to the polycarbonate box, but the bottom corners are open and allow some flow now.

Very nice! That box may have saved your life or at least serious burns. I’ve seen lipos punctured from drones crashing only few feet from the ground, they burst into flame.

I built a rubber lined alloy detachable box on mine …works well

Absolutely glad you are ok!
Now sell that wing and get a ENA or B that is made currently would be my heart felt suggestion. An ENA would have not collapse under those conditions - you would have had a little harder time to launch maybe, but an new ENA wing would have compensated for your rusty skills. The more I learn about PPG the more I want to stay with current wings in the ENA rating, maybe max a B, even after I get many hours under my belt – better to fly slower with a safer rated wing that will compensate for us IMHO. Enjoying the view safely from the sky is more important to me my preference then doing loopy loops to impress others. Maybe that is just my age talking :grin: But each of us has to make our own choice in these matters.

Again, very glad you are ok.

How many bonkas can you fit in that box?

Wow! Glad you are ok!

The bungee ball cord works for me as it still gives some play while making the net really tight.
Also, the net has a tendency to unravel at the paracord connections but I have been repairing it all along - pretty simple - props stand clear from the blades VOLTAIR UPGRADE BEFORE THE SNOW ARRIVES - YouTube