Day 1 build progress

That sucks! Sorry to see that, but appreciate the share.

The repair is going to be fugly but it will work.

I suggest to move the position of your ring bolts to secure the net lower. Looks high and hard to secure the net correctly…

Most owners have it lower…

Much better angle…

Repaired net is holding up to full throttle. Replacement props have been confirmed to provide plenty of thrust.

I used XOAR PJA 22x10 props as replacements because I could not find the exact type that came with the kit. They are a little thicker in the middle so the nuts do not go all the way down to the nylock, but threadlocker works to solve that. The Xoar props are in all aspects beefier. Not sure what difference it will make over long term efficiency but they provide what feels like equal push to the old ones.

Several minutes of full throttling (testing with 2 batteries) resulted in warm-to-the-touch wires but the batteries still felt room temperature.

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Glad you got that fixed. Did you ever get your 2 replacement prop adaptors? I’m still waiting for mine. I ordered the batteries late. As soon as get them, then I’ll have all the parts to complete my build.

Huh. I actually just clip my net clips together. The bottom quarter is not netted at all. My net does not go below the lower motor arms. No clearance issues yet but I do pull it as tight as I can.

It is a security modification… You don’t want this happened in flight:

GliderPilot had the correct solution, how to connect the netting secure. The prop tips are
very close to the netting.

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Yes, the new prop shaft things came in.

Yup that’s exactly what happened to me. Except i lost both bottom props and both sides of the net.

So I took the nuts off the props to put loctite on them and make extra sure they wouldn’t come off or spin, and I stripped the threads on one of the spacer thingies. I have broken this thing so much and still not gotten to fly it :slight_smile:

Fun times! This was WAS 10 gauge wire. Looks like it got hot where they were touching, melted through the insulation, and fireworks show. I have since gotten rid of it and only using the wire that came with the kit. Everything still miraculously works, though Now i feel like the ghostbusters first time turning on their backpacks.

You can not use 105 C 10 AWG wire. You have to use 200C 8 or 10 AWG Silicone wire.

There are a few topics for this on this forum.

If you use gas engine prop’s with a thicker center hub, than you will have problems - there are topics for this as well.

If you have questions or need help everyone here is happy to help.

It’s all 100% the “good wire” in there now. Problem is, today after a 30 second flight, it totally died. For some reason both xt150 connectors separated from the wires. They were not hot enough to have melted the solder (the wires and connectors were just warm to the touch) unless there was some freak thing going on. Further inspection showed that the power switch is fused “on” regardless of its on or off position.

I’m one for a challenging project but having spent so many days out in the heat fixing this thing when it’s determined to melt itself, I think I’m done. If anyone wants to buy mine (you will want a new switch, you will need to put in new xt150 ends, and you may want new props) I am all ears. I’ve got 4 brand new 7s bonkas to go with it. I also have a new net but I have not put it on since the cluged net repair is holding up.

I installed the capacitors about a month ago and finally have good weather for test flying so I took the electric chair out for a spin today. Great nonstop flight for 20 minutes, no failures to report (except that for some reason I could not get the percentage to display on the throttle)
Enjoy the wonderful Florida weather! thanksgiving-flight - YouTube


Nice day for flying. I see you didn’t climb very high. When you got the batteries back on the chargers what was the cell voltage? Just curious how much capacity you drew on that flight.

I was trying to figure out the throttle setting that kept me mostly level. Also I didn’t want to keep cranking it at max to get altitude and risk spazzing out the system before I got some air time in. Came in with about 3.2 volts left on each battery at 19 minutes exactly, they felt pretty warm to the touch but it was also 80 degrees out. I did notice that the thrust was getting sluggish at that point when I was setting up my landing approach.

3.2V/Cell and “Pretty warm” Sounds like you may have pushed them a bit. I don’t like to have a noticeable drop in thrust for that go around. I’m hoping I get more cycles by keeping my flights short.

Seems to me it’s impossible not to push it as a 110kg pilot :slight_smile: