Not sure if this is related to the wing or paramotor itself,
Any idea what the max weight will be before the EPPG can no longer push you up in the air (So you only glide down instead of up).
Like when is too much weight “too much”.
Not sure if this is even something you need to think about with paramotors, Saw a video on Youtube from a prototype homemade EPPG where the power wasn’t enought to keep the person in the air.
I am currently 5.9 / 180cm in length and around 180~185 pounds / 85KG,
TLDR - Weight shouldn’t be an issue here.
Like anything that flies in order to climb you need to have more lift than gravity pulling you down. The wing/paraglider converts forward energy to lift to make you fly. Also the larger the wing the more lift. What creates the forward energy? The motor(s).
The current OpenPPG design produces roughly 165 lbs of thrust. This is the same as the Fresh Breeze Monster which is designed for pilots up to 260lbs
I’ve flown two 190lb people plus gear etc. with the Monster without issue. Sure, the climb rate isn’t the best but with a large (42m) wing we had plenty of fun.
To add to Zachs comment, all four motors combined produce over 76 kg or around 165 lbs of thrust. To put in perspective the Scout 185 (Vittorazi Moster 185) and Nitro 200 also produce the same 165 lbs. Those are the higher thrust paramotors on the market with the average paramotor producing around 135 lbs of thrust.
But - theoretically speaking - it should be possible to combine (say) a trike, a tandem wing and then even MORE battery capacity? (Zero personal experience with gliders but +1500 tandem jumps here: there I learned / experienced not to take up really small passengers - kids - unless the weather was calm and there was no turbulence whatsoever. And open the parachute at least 1000ft higher… the ‘scale’ of things was not linear i.e. if you had 25% less weight you did not have to have 25% less wing surface. My ‘guesstimate’ would be that with glider/paramotor wings that would be roughly the same, but I don’t know - here to learn…)
I would expect a trike being less at risk of damaging the (single) prop, is that correct? So even if you would ‘scale up’ the whole thing (larger props, more powerful engines) would you still have the advantages that are so obvious in this four-engine concept? From parachuting operations I remember the saying that ‘two engines mean four times the headache’ - would that be true for an electric trike also? Another disadvantage would be that with a trike you also would have to find a way to fold the trike itself - it probably would not fit in the backseat of your car as easily (or rather ‘not at all’…)
I’m wanting to use the Blackhawk lite trike, it’s only 30lbs & pulls apart to fit in your car. Is the base of this open PPG the same size as most Std PPG frames.
I have to use a trike as my disabilities don’t allow me to foot launch & land
I’m also hoping by not foot launching that I can have larger batteries for longer flights
Me to, but I am fortunate enough to be able to build my own so I will make it fit.
Adding a 30lb trike and 8 batteries I think I am still under my 27m MacPara top end, and if I was to lose my 20lbs of extra love handles I would be in even better shape in all regards