I’m thinking that I will order 3 units out of the gate maybe 4? Father-in-law, step dad, me and possible a friend; if these units come out around the $2-3k range like one of the videos I watched said. Maybe this isn’t a great topic but I thought I would throw it out there. Anyone else going to buy multiple? I would love to see this be the “Tesla” of electric paramotors.
I’m looking at getting just one ‘out of the gate’ but I think that about three nanoseconds after my maiden flight my wife will steal if off me and I’ll have to order a second!
Yep +1 for another in AU pretty much as soon as available. Keen on an Ikea style kit and assembling to become one with the design.
Does anyone know if there is an assembly diagram / plan / any documentation on this project yet?
Would like to do some advance reading upon it.
One kit to start, possible another one or two for my sons after they see how much fun it is!
One kit plus some spare parts for the cage.
This might be the wrong thread but, Do you think it is wise to some sort of a pre-order. Like Tesla. $500 gets you on the list and then you could see how many you will need out of the gate. I will be ordering a full kit as well. I just think you might be surprised at how many will be on order as soon as you open it up.
I think that sounds like a GREAT Idea !!! Would probably help out with the materials and ordering inventory too.
Too late to start pre orders since they are releasing the kit in 10 days.
I’m sure they have stock to supply most of us
I built mine from Pauls build video