Question regarding the throttle and the images

That circuit diagram design is outdated and was never shipped.
The current pot in use is actually this 9610R3.4KL2.0 BEI Sensors | Mouser which you can see is a simple high accuracy linear pot.

I’m in the final phases of implementing an integrated throttle design that fits most of the components onto one circuit board which will simplify things a great deal.


Thank you very much. This is the linear pot from my link.
Would you like some help with this. I have experience in eagle PCB and arduino programming.
Some experience in STL design for 3D printing. Have own 3D printer.
No experience in paramotoring which i hope to change.

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Does anyone have the left main and right main in SolidWorks or Fusion native files?

left 3.stl (1.4 MB) right 3.stl (2.3 MB)

This should be the most up to date

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I now this is old, but is there a comprehensive list of all the components that go into the throttle?

From what I see…



What else?

ahh, any chance I could get them in non-stl solidworks, step, fusion all are fine, sorry