OpenPPG X4 for sale - Canada

Open PPG X4 electric paramotor. Flies great. $6,000 cdn (about $4,400 US).

Comes with 8, 22ah 6s batteries for a flight time of 30 minutes. Also include four 22ah 7s batteries.
Spare unit with four good spare motors, esc’s and frame parts.
Piles of propellers.

System works as it should and have been very solid. Screen on trottle does not work (plug pins failed) but replacement board is not available. I use a battery monitor for flight time. Does not affect operation.

Unit have 25 hours of flight time.

I love the unit, ease of transportation, flight, etc, but my knees cannot take foot launch anymore.

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Nice opportunity but unfortunately Im from Portugal :slight_smile:

What is the price?

Could you send it to texas?

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