Motor specs and amp draw

The likelihood for an electrical failure is mostly between power supply from the batteries to the ESC’s.

90% of your focus on safety should be applied to your wiring and interconnects. That is where your primary mode of failure is going to occur.
Most fires in battery powered machines do not originate from the cell. They are nearly always due to ancillary equipment failure , poor/insufficient current carrying capabilities of wiring and interconnects , shorting to to mechanical failure of insulation etc.

The issue can be significantly reduced with proper wiring…

@grejen711, I’ve flown with 6 Bonkas with 6S on a batch 4 and I weigh 195. It was a little harder to take off compared to the standard setup but it worked pretty good. I was drawing 230 amps with 12S vs 300 amps with 14S. So try it but make sure you have plenty of room in front of you for climbing out. If you want more power then use the higher pitch props. The controller will display the amp draw so just make sure it doesn’t exceed 320 amps. If it does exceed that amp draw at full throttle it’s ok for short bursts like on takeoff just don’t hold full throttle your whole flight.


Thank you @GliderPilot and @tarifachris.
That eases my mind a bunch. My sites have lots of room. Ultralight aircraft room. Won’t be doing any super launches :grin::wink: I’ve been quite meticulous about my soldering and I’m using double switches.

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