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Paul - can this be address for Batch 3?? The switch location.

I think I’ll need to re-evaluate the switch. I’ve had 2 melt - this last one caused an engine out downwind and low to the ground. Got some good road rash to show for it.

Check your switches for any signs of heat folks…

This was just 30 seconds into a flight and was near full throttle the whole time for takeoff.

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That’s the only part of the deal on a 2 battery system. Paul said it was ok. I am not looking for duration flights under power but merely a 1 to 2 minute flight to catch ridge lift on the coast where it is not accessible from the beach - too steep and full of bushes/small trees and pretty steep with no place to layout a wing at the top. We have a generous coast line and the machine would be ideal to do the job. I would not have need for a 4 pack. I actually have done the same thing in the past with a super light gas prototype which weighed 18lbs. and want to repeat it. I had also built an electric version a couple years ago with one motor and four 4Amp 7S lipos. I took off from the top of a ridge in free-flying mode and turned the motor on about half way down the 90’ high cliff. I was not able to climb but did sustained flight and landed after a 3 mn flight. The batteries were a bit puffed up and hot to the touch but not too bad. It was under a school wing in zero wind speed at sea level in 80º weather.