I finally bought an X-4 but

Hmmmm. I did fly it. The flight was short and sweet, it was the landing I had a problem with.
I’ve fixed it as well as I am able without spending a whole lot of money. I haven’t powered it up to check if
everything still works.
It’s not the prettiest repair, but I believe it will work.
My thoughts on the flight overall: well I was elated that I did fly, sorry to have broken things,
thankful I wasn’t hurt, but glad for the experience.

I really don’t want to fly it again until I can be guided by my instructor. We just seem to have
schedules that don’t jive very often, I was getting frustrated with all the waiting.
I meant to practice powered taxiing, but once in the air I thought why not keep going?

I also purchased an old Nirvana Rodeo and am hoping I can learn on it as it is a lot more rugged and made for students to make a few mistakes with.

I just tried it out and everything seems OK, all the props turn and everything seems fine.
Praise the Lord!
But now I’ve forgotten how I uploaded photos on here. :roll_eyes:

Uploading: 20230724_103738.jpg…

The previous owner did supply me with a lot of spare parts, so that is good.

New prop, and some glue, some wood, some plastic and some aluminum strips from work.