Hein X4 [v4] Batch 6 New Build

Hi All

Really excited, just received my X4 Batch 6 kit yesterday.

Regards Hein (South African living in Australia :grin:)

Not on top of all the building, I was hoping to get some tips in regards to assembling the kit:
• Anything I need to know regarding the sequence of building for this kit.
• Did someone received a parts list for the Batch 6 kit
• Anything to look out for when assembling.
• Someone has a wiring diagram more for the plug-in details on the flight controller
Thanks for your response, I am sure there would be still a lot of question coming…

Hi All

First days of progress…

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Ran into some issues.
The lower leg hinges I received do not close. I can see it is different from the old parts the gap is much smaller. S

see attached photo.

Another issue is the bottom holes thread id not long enough to accommodate the screws. I had to get shorter screws to make it work. see attached photo.

Hi, I had the same problem. After trying everything, I used my Dremmel to shave it off a bit. Decided to make it on the inside part of the part that is on the wing. I wrote to Paul to find out where did this problem came from.

And same for screws on the wing. I will probably cut them shorter, as I see no chance to lengthen the thread without damaging the existing one.

Any idea where to get those print files? On Github, there are only those old-style connectors.

Here it is tube arm conector.stl (71.8 KB)


Thanks, Richard/ Paul for the feedback. Mine is fixed. I build a little jig for my router and made cut 1mm out.
Just a question Paul, I have taken a 1.2mm away, the gap is now a bit bigger than a tight fit. will this be still ok?

Elegant engeneering :wink:

yes it is just a hing and the gap size doesnt matter much

Thanks, Mate :+1:

Ha Ha , was so scared I cut away the complete fitting…

Started with 3D printing the modification parts today.

Finding the same issue with the latest batch I received in June, 2021 ( [OpenPPG X4 22 [V4] [Batch 6]] )(OpenPPG X4 Kit [V4] | OpenPPG). At least two of my arm hinge pieces do not allow the bolt to fully screw in.