Fixing my sp hoop

All was cool. I landed after a great flight at one of our local seashore sites. Then my buddy said “Phil, is it an optical illusion or your hoop is a bit flat on the upper left section?”. I couldn’t recall hitting the cage at any time in the past and have been flying quite a bit. Sure enough, the upper left arc was kinda flat🤪 There was a deformation there. No big deal obviously but I nevertheless decided to remedy the problem in my shop.
Flat hoop

Flat section mended. I initially though about the approach - tube bender - the net - the rivets, etc… and it sounded more and more like a daunting a task. Then the light bulb idea and K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) happened😆
I overlapped the bent section over the upper right side to see how much bending I had to do, then grabbed the bent side, placed my knee between the two white marks, grabbed the ends of the tube and pulled back very gently. I then compared the arc with the right side and bent a little more, and the third knee work was the winner!:joy:

Finished product - good enough!

In retrospect, I remember having the right spars when looking at the harness, not fully inserted over the receiving ends of the frame and the quarter tube sections being a bit tough to connect for no aligning properly. Problem solved now!:smiley:

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Good job, Phil! :+1::+1:. My lines on my left side have bent mine twice on windy days. The sections are reasonably strong, and I do like the frame, but with high beach wind, you had better be turning to the low side and pulling brakes and moving toward the wing on the low side the split second your foot hits the ground. It is aluminum…not titanium, and the hoop has a larger diameter than my other units. Most days it is not a problem at all, but it requires a little extra attention on high wind days with the softer aluminum. You know all of this…but I had to learn the hard way with this frame.:rofl::rofl:

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Since we are talking about the hoop, how much distance do you guys have between prop tips and upper side of the hoop and down side? I have 6cm up and 10 down.

I’m not really sure if this is what you are asking, but I have 14cm all the way around between the prop tip and the hoop.


Thank you! Lucky for you that you have equal distance.