Delivery times for Bonkas?

Ordered them about a month ago. July 29th. No sign of a shipping notice yet. Anyone receiving Bonkas lately? How long do they take?

I ordered my bonkas well in advance and it did take what felt like a month or two to arrive.

Or Two!?!
Well. I may have to fly that Blackhawk a couple more times!

I have the opposite problem. All the batteries. No motor. Where you located lets join forces

Vancouver, B.C. Canada.
When are you expecting your Motor or are you waiting for the next Batch?

Hmmm… Just had a though… If this e-PPG thing takes off (sic) in the next few years a battery lease/share program or service may be workable. We could just stop at a local depot and rent a few kilowatt hours every time we want to fly. Like buying a tankful of gas but less messy and smelly and probably cheaper. Heck I’d pay $10 to use a set of 4 or 6 fully charged batteries.

Waiting on shipping for batch 4. A battery rental service hm :slight_smile: Thats a cool thought.

Yeah like those e-scooter rentals but just the battery. Could supply to scooters, e-bikes, golf carts, etc. Even up to sub compact cars or motorbikes and down to large power tools.

Take a heck of a startup investment though.