Cruise Control kills remote - Update?

I sent an email back on Tuesday, but waiting to hear back. Figured the group here might have some thoughts.

I had a flight the other evening that went great for the first half, but the second half any time I tried to activate cruise control the controller would black out and restart. I was high enough I could re-arm and continue flying, but it wasn’t great. I checked the forum and some folks seemed to say to update firmware to correct a bug. I haven’t done that yet, so just trying to walk through the config tool online.

Which package should I install on this unit? 5.9 or 5.7 maybe? See screenshot below. I’ve never ran a firmware update on the controller or the ESC - should I update the ESC first? Are there clear instructions for doing so online? I’m not sure what version it might be on.

I’m pretty unfamiliar with the whole compiling and flashing process I saw on GitHub. The config browser tool seems great, but I’m a little intimidated by what it might take to update the ESC without breaking anything. I’ve got a more programmer-type friend that can help though.

Got some good comms back and forth with Paul and sorted out the full update processes for the hand controller and ESC. First thing I noticed is the motor spools up from zero much smoother, without clicking over at all like it did before.

Found it a bit challenging to piece together all the different steps with various guides and an unlisted YouTube video. I wish there was a centralized spot to refer to. I’ll try to summarize below with some screenshots and links so I don’t forget myself, but will hold off on posting any private videos without permission. I’d encourage the developers to make those easier to find for others.

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So here’s the references I used to update the firmware on both the throttle controller and the ESC:

Throttle Controller

Do not connect power battery. Plug USB cable between throttle controller and Mac or PC, then navigate to config website (on Chrome). Press Connect, and see characteristics for throttle firmware and settings populate. Pick the latest firmware for either RP2040 or SAMD21 chips and download it to PC.
Press Reboot in Update Mode, then controller will show up as USB device. Drag update file to device, then let it reboot automatically. Connect on Config page again to confirm version and adjust any settings.

Manufacturer firmware update guide: Quick Start Guide | APD ESC
Required update tool (DFUSE - PC only, UM0412):
Second required update tool (Configurator - PC only, v2.10): Configurator | APD ESC
ESC Firmware file (Mar 2023): UHV and HV Pro Firmware | APD ESC

Create user profile on ST website to allow download of DFUSE tool. Make sure you’re logged in to your new account and then navigate back to the DFUSE page to agree/download it. Others download easily from APD guide pages with just a click.
Do not connect power battery to SP140. Connect USB from ESC to PC. Allow drivers to auto-install.
Open APD Configurator software, select Auto com port, and press Connect button. Unsupported firmware warning pops up. Press OK to enter DFU mode.
Switch to DFUSE tool, see STM Device in DFU Mode listed at top, press Choose button at bottom, select the ESC .dfu firmware file, press Upgrade button, then Yes. Update occurs, then press Leave DFU button at top of DFUSE tool.
Switch back to APD Configurator and press Connect to access settings and view current Firmware status. No changes were made here.

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I have had the same issue, though for me switching between Chill and Sport also caused the controller to reset and I even had trouble arming it on the ground without it immediately resetting in the disarmed state. Did the firmware updates fix it for you?

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Had a great test flight with it last night. No issues experienced.
But I haven’t ever tried taking it out of Sport mode

I’ve had this same exact issue. I JUST updated to v6.4R and I’ll report if this fixes it once I get a flight in.

I’m currently running v6.3R and I had the same thing happen to me last night. When flying in cruise control, I engaged the throttle to deactivate it, and the controller rebooted. I had enough altitude to arm it again and continue flying uneventfully. The altitude AGL on the screen reset as well. I could not reproduce this behavior on the ground without the propeller attached. Will update to v6.4R and report if the issue persists, but hopefully that fixes it.

Update: v6.4R did not fix the issue. I had a flight today during which the controller rebooted when I attempted to engage cruise control. It happened twice in a row, so I think I can replicate it. Note that the issue I had on v6.3R was a little different, the cruise control engaged normally and the system rebooted when disengaging cruise control (by pressing throttle). At the end of the flight today I tried to repeat it at lower power and cruise control engaged and disengages normally, so my working theory is that it may be specific to cruise control at high power.