Carbon fiber parts

What kind of loads and forces are these parts going to see?

Each arm will see 40 pounds of thrust force at the motor. From the motor to the hoop and the hoop itself is to hold the saftey net. If you were to place your hand on the net it should be able to hold back 150 pounds of thrust. I don’t think the current design could handle that.

The hoop connector at the top of each arm could be screwed on with a single screw into a brass insert embedded in the carbon at the top of the arm.

The motor has female threads for mounting so we need a way to insert bolts into the front of the motor. Maybe something like this:

I’ve done a lot more work on the arms and here’s what I’ve come up with. Let me know what you think.

The forum doesn’t support STEP files and the STL file is too big. I’ll try to send it in a message.


Whoa that’s awesome, good job!

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Open PPG Team,
STEP files can be email directly to be in good faith for quote in carbon fiber. I use Rhino, Creo, Alias and a little Fusion but STEP works the best.

I’d also be open for prototyping a 3d printed carbon fiber part. It’s a new material that I’m trying…

send to : matthew


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