Apco Airbag, SP140, and drag/reduced range?

I stumbled across the Apco Airbag, an under-harness inflatable bag that inflates from forward movement in the air and protects against hard landings. The two times I soloed two years ago I had hard landings, and I know the SP140 has a more easily damaged frame, so I’m worried about my upcoming lessons to get back in the air. Apco Airbag seems like a way to try to smooth out a hard landing both for my body and possibly the frame.

I’m curious however what it does for drag. Obviously the SP140 is somewhat unique in how sensitive it is to flying conditions for the range you can get. Does one think it would greatly reduce flying time? Or does the fact that it sits behind your legs mean its already sitting behind most of the drag it would receive?

I am very new, so you should take this with a grain of salt, but it seems like getting the bag and building confidence in your landings is more important than range. Once you’re happy with your landings, you can decide whether it adds too much drag!

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Like you said, it’s behind your legs so it might not add much more drag than your legs already create. I doubt it would make a very noticeable difference in flight time, specially with our slow flying speed.