A product you are waiting for is back in stock

Hi guys, I got this message an hour ago and got all excited. Clicked through and… no, it’s still not available. Or sold out already. When will the kit become available again?

“OpenPPG X4 22 [V4] Pre-order is now back in stock at OpenPPG. You have been sent this email because your email address was registered on a waitlist for this product.”

Sorry, that email that got sent out was kind of a mistake. Someone got a health problem so he can’t fly paramotors anymore so i refunded him and then the system added one back in stock, so then about 500 people got and email saying it was back in stock. then someone paid for it real quick.

I fixed it so it shouldn’t do that again. :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:


Well, I’m glad you worked out a refund for him.