Certifying OpenPPG for use in Europe

hello, if someone wants to allow his own built flight unit for himself in germany this is possible via the DGAC - fiche solution. The applicant then fully liable for his device. it is registered with the dulv as ultralight aircraft. One of my flying machines is registered and insured with the DGAC solution.

Very interesting; where can I find explanation about the DGAC solution and the necessary forms?
Any limitations, restrictions?

Hi, there are certainly not many interested I hold myself briefly. Everything else you can find on the internet in google.

You need a wing with dgac. The wing manufacturer must fill in the fiche with the serial number. There are a lot of wings that have the fiche. also very good for electric flying such as. the ion 4 of nova. or ozone and many others. the fiche you send to the dulv as well as the applications and other papers that you can request the dulv by mail. The license plate (M - 
 for Ultralight Aircraft) as well as the insurance you can also apply for the dulv.


some wings. not all companies are present. but you found the fiche on most of the wing manufacturers on the website. as an an example:


Hi Thomas - I noticed you and your electric paramotors from a facebook group - it seems you’re an active electrical PPG flyer and you’re building your engines yourself.

Your information is simply awesome! Thank you so much. It confirms what I said further above.
It’s the wing that matters (in my case the Nova Prion 3 or possibly soon the Nova Ion 4/5).

If the wing is certified, the paramotor does not need to be. Great!

Ein Schirm mit DGAC Zulassung wird erworben und mit einem in Deutschland
mustergeprĂŒften Motor geflogen. Ist hier noch ein K Flug nötig - ja oder nein?
Nein, wenn der Pilot fĂŒr
seinen Schirm ein vollstĂ€ndig ausgefĂŒlltes fiche d’identification
Siehe LuftGerPV § 11 Abs. 4: „Muster oder GerĂ€tezulassungen eines Mitgliedstaates der
EuropĂ€ischen Union oder eines Vertragsstaates des Abkommens ĂŒber den EuropĂ€ischen
Wirtschaftsr aum sind unmittelbar gĂŒltig und ersetzen die PrĂŒfungen nach den AbsĂ€tzen 1 und 2. Da ist es dann auch egal, ob der Motor geprĂŒft ist oder nicht sobald der Schirm ein vollstĂ€ndig ausgefĂŒlltes DGAC Papier hat (fiche d’identification), greift LuftGerPV § 1
1 Abs. 4 Wichtig ist, dass das fiche vollstĂ€ndig ausgefĂŒllt ist. D. h. der HĂ€ndler / Hersteller muss auf
dem fiche ganz unten den Verkauf des Schirms mit der Seriennr. xy an den KĂ€ufer YX am
(Datum) bestĂ€tigen. Damit dĂŒrften sich die FĂ€lle 2 und 3 auch er ledigt haben

hi, I’m glad if it helps you. Please note, however, that you are responsible for the engine even if he does not need an official exam. In the case of an accident, the flight investigation commission will examine the paramotor very closely. therefore he should “conform to the state of the art”. Of course, if it is only a small slip-up at the start and the rescue must come, it is officially a flight accident in Europe. This information is only meant well. Of course we all hope that no one ever happens to anyone.

About the DGAC fiche way of arranging a registration I found this: Gleitschirm mit Französischer Bescheinigung in Deutschland fliegen - Gleitschirm und Drachen Forum

Also: would a German person following this DGAC route be allowed to fly with their gear in the Netherlands?
Would a Dutch person following this German DGAC route be allowed to fly with their gear in the Netherlands?

the question is easy to explain. If you’ve done a Paramotor training in the Netherlands, your flight instructor can tell you exactly if the dgac is possible and you are allowed to start legally. i do not know enough about the netherlands. a few years ago it was still so that there was no regulation. but can not confirm.

There is some regulation but it is quite restrictive and vague.
Why do I have to deal with a German/English/Chech club/Verein/etc to get certification on something that they even do not have a testplan for? (Asuming the DULV slowness I experience is due to that)
I know the theoretics, I can fly so why hold me back with these stupid details?

The dutch person I contacted (involved with paramotor regulations) did not yet reply to:
`If electric paramotor are more silent and more safe due to redundant propulsion, will they be able to fly at more places?’

why would anyone answer that just because someone claims “if something is quieter and safer”, first you need a working drive then you can contact authorities. It will also be the DULV or other authorities like to show your drives live. I understand the DULV and other authorities if they do not respond to questions that so far consist only of theory. To register a finished drive duration at dulv 3-4 days and is very easy. if you are allowed to fly with it in the Netherlands is not on the dulv. the dulv will only help you to get a registration which also allows you to take out an insurance. always remember that the dulv works for the pilots. if a country has complicated set for it, the dulv can not do anything.

I do understand that the DULV does not decide whether I can fly in the Netherlands.
I am simply exploring the rules as I know them and as I learn them here to see if I can use them to fly in the Netherlands legally with less hassle.
I will show the Dutch person the multi motor/battery/etc layout and will try to make them understand.

No progress yet from DULV but I did send them an email asking about standing legal issues etc.

I’ve asked a question about manufacturer certification of paramotors for use in the UK to the BHPA and will post the findings.

Any requirements, tests, etc for the paramotor would be very welcome a the German DULV did not yet provide those.

No reply yet :frowning_face:

I emailed DULV again

I received:

leider sind einige Voraussetzungen fĂŒr die Zulassung von dieser Art von Paramotoren noch nicht geschaffen; In nĂ€chster Zeit ist damit auch nicht zu rechnen.

Admin note: Which roughly translates into “Unfortunately, some prerequisites for the approval of this type of paramotor are not yet created; In the near future it is not to be expected”

So please: If you are in Europe and fly the OpenPPG gear, please let us know how you arranged this in a legal manner.

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Nobody in Europe flying OpenPPG?

Hello Udo,
I have a batch 2 openppg here in the Netherlands. (And I know another person with an openppg in the Netherland) I will bring my openppg to www.elsefly.nl at the end of august to show it to everybody. I have not jet flown this paramotor, because all my props were damaged during transport to the Netherlands. I have a feeling that certification in the Netherlands will be difficult because openppg does not issue serie numbers. And if you do not have a serie number how can you then connect a PH number to it? A PH Number can only be issued by the government to an aircraft with a unique serie number. And because openppg consists of a bunch of seperate parts it can not be given an serie number, I think. But on Elsefly there will be a lot of persons who have the knowledge of finding possibilities for flying openppg legally in holland in due time.
Regards Erwin

Hi Erwin,
looks like that event has been cancelled.